The Crazy World with The Little Monster

The monster eats, rants, travels, shops, cooks and all!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I had buffet, FINALLY!

Went to Xenri, Old Klang Road on Sunday for Japanese buffet!
Price is reasonable for me becaz I can't eat much.
Thus it is advisable for me not to go for expensive buffet.
Food there not bad....
Hahaha... I would say it's better caz I dun have stomachache after eating Oysters...
Brit had stomachache after eating at Ichiban.
So I will not dare to try the food there!!

Oysters..... Wahahah!!

A little bit of this and that....

Sushi, jelly fish and scallop!

My self-made "ABC"....

This one looks nicer though it was melting....

Green Tea Ice Cream with me....

The photogenic Odie!!!



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