The Crazy World with The Little Monster

The monster eats, rants, travels, shops, cooks and all!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Feel so Free today!

This is the first time after so long that Dearie went to shopping mall with me on weekdays....
He is off for a few days now.... but will be back to office next week!
After next week, he will be free occasionally!!!
At first, I disagreed very much he switched to his current employer.
But nowadays I feel much better than last time becaz he is not that stressed anymore, he has a lot more time to do his own stuffs, he is earning more relatively compared to the ex-company.

He is sick actually.
But woke up quite early to send Champagne for first service.
When I picked him up, he told me my car door has more scratches now...
The same side but diff door now.
I wonder I kena in the college parking or where?
Damn pissed!!
I cursed cursed cursed cursed and now I am still cursing that person!!!
I sent him to clinic.... to get more antibiotic.
Then I went to see dentist....
To have my scaling done after delaying many many times.

Went to The Curve for karaoke session....
Had my earlier booking that's why I got the room for lunch hour!!
We were practicing the same song for so many times... Hahahah!
Hoping for a little improvement.

After that, we went to One U to get wedding present for Jason.
Saw Joanne with bf and Dorinda....
Dorinda is going for Jay's autography session..
Too bad I had to leave early to get Champagne...
Or else I would stay to see Jay too...

Oh ya... went to pick Odie too...
He was good in the car.....
But once he reached home, he turned so naughty.
Now I'm locking him in my room...
I dun want him to get dirty before my sis came back...
I dun want to be responsible for all the dirt on him.
Stupid boy....


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