The Crazy World with The Little Monster

The monster eats, rants, travels, shops, cooks and all!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I'm shifting

I'm shifting.
This blog has too much to be remembered.
I can't afford to think of it again.
I'll just keep it as memory.

I don't think I will blog here anymore.
I will not be using the nick of "Crazy Babe" anymore..
I think I was crazy enough and it should stop.

I apologize for my rudeness, stupidity, craziness, bad attitude though I know I will not be forgiven.
I love you all.

Till we meet again.
Au Revoir.

With love,
Pei Shan

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sick ---> Sleep More

Thanks guys.. I appreciate so much.
I'm better off now after the chat with Audrey.

It's not that I don't have your numbers, I'm just too pai seh to call you to tell you the worst news on earth.

Anyway, 2 more days to exam and I'm falling sick.
I almost hit a car when I was coming back home because I was sneezing.
Luckily... luckily.. by pressing the brake hard enough.. accident is avoided.
If I have accident ah.. I also don't know who to call..
Call my dad? Sure kena one..
Call my sis? Not like she can help me lah?
Think call police can help ah?

Exam.. is so near...
And I'm not studying.
Thanks to both the sickness with me.
I have a better reason to fail my paper!

I cannot take irritaition.
Breaking down.
Heading towards the hell where I came from.
But again.. thanks to the cooperation between these 2 people, contributing all that to me.
Thank you very much!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Why is everyone not there when I am down?

Am I too irritating?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mi!

It's the 30th of May again..
I would like to wish my mum a very Happy Birthday!

Hope she is enjoying herself the way she wants!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

The day after exam!

On Wednesday, we went for "The Da Vinci Code".
Usually I prefer to watch movie in GSC Hall 2 and 3 because the cinema is big, the screen is big, the sound system is good too.
The show we watched was at 11.15am.. and it was at Hall 2.

About the show.. it was not that good because a lot of things was not emphasized on.
Though I didn't read the book but I know by reading the book, you'll know better about the movie.


I was craving for the mee sua...
So we had one!

Oysters Mee Sua

Then we went to have Yoshinoya... it was on promotion!

Yoshinoya's Beef Bowl

Salmon Bowl

Miso soup!

The rice is good.. Because it wasn't dried.
But the miso soup is a bit salty.

I decided to have home-cooked food for dinner...
So we left for grocery in Tesco.
I love doing grocery there because things there look cleaner and newer.

Stir-fried Siu Pak Choy with Baby Corn

I realised I can't cook siu pak choy like choy sum..
I need to add water so that it's well-cooked.
I don't know how to cook baby corn so I boiled them first before stir-frying them.

Steamed Medium Sized Pomfret

My first time steaming fish..
Hahahah!! Just pour the steamed-fish soy sauce, sesame sauce and a lil bit of white wine.
Also added some ginger slices and onion leaves.

Lemon Chicken

The other day, i tried cooking lemon chicken too with fried chicken.
But this time, I didn't fry the chicken because it's oily and unhealthy.
I heat the wok with oil and add some garlic.. then I put in the chicken...
Stir frying them....
Later I add the lemon sauce with water ....
Cooked till the water is absorbed by the chicken wings and the chicken wings are well-cooked!

Simple and easy for a home-cooked meal!
Try it if you have the time...

It's finger licking good for us, I'm not sure about you!

Kind Heart?

姓  名: 李佩珊
出生日期: 西元1984年10月2日
靈  數: 72


  你是溫和的人,凡事都會注重和諧感,喜歡和諧的生活,尤其在人際關係上喜歡和人搭配合作的感覺。你富有團隊的精神,喜歡跟好朋友一起完成一些事,並且不會刻意凸顯自我,也不會跟人爭,是個受歡迎的人。  在生活上,你希望有個伴侶,因此很注重婚姻和家庭,會與家人親切的相處,主動照顧家人,用心經營一個穩定美滿的家庭,因此你如果從事服務業會很適合喔!  感情方面,往往會有理想與現實不一致的狀況發生,比如你想與青梅竹馬的女孩結婚,心裡暗下決定如果不能如願,就抱定獨身主義,結果卻與另外一位意想不到的女生結婚,雖然你的老婆真的很賢慧,家庭美滿,但是你對於自己的那位理想情人,卻頗難忘懷。  你的生命目標是圓融人際關係,而且喜歡生活在充滿活躍與新鮮的世界,將這二者同時運轉起來,既要顧到人情義理,又要顧到個人自由,在當中不但會和各式不同的人相遇,帶來一些煩惱和困擾,但同時也會讓你擁有許多快樂時光,因此說,你的生命目標是用心靈的力量去圓融各類的人際關係。  你一旦玩起來就像小孩子一般,帶點稚氣,喜歡與山水之美溶成一片,覺得處於自然的景物中比在人工化的都會區裡好太多了。你擁有冒險的精神,因此經常天涯海角的去旅遊,以發現更多美好的地方,並嚮往著能夠自由自在的學習、研究、閱讀一切你所喜歡的事物。  你的個性特徵是雙重性格,一方面你很需要伴侶,需要與人合作,或有人幫忙,可是另一方面你的自我主義也很強,很希望有自己的自由空間。  你是一個喜歡求新救變,想像力豐富,點子非常多的人,只要是需要研究想像,或運用頭腦的事情,你都可以做的很好。但是在人際關係上,會有一些矛盾的狀況,比如你一方面想對別人好,想要跟人拉近距離,可是又有防衛心,又怕被捆綁住,所以跟人想要保持距離,提醒你這種自我矛盾的心態,是你人生的一大挑戰喔!  建議你先找到自己的志向,才能專心的投入於工作中,讓內心更自由自在,不受到矛盾的煎熬,否則你會永遠在尋尋覓覓,定不下心,也會與人產生疏離感。  你的優點是很重視社會關係,人情義理,思考很週到,但是不會太衝動,可能的話兩邊都不得罪,是一個重視社會名聲的人。你能從別人身上學習,找到自己所需要的,喜歡探索事物的本質,常常在事物中有更深層的體悟,會與人分享寶貴的經驗與真理。  你的缺點是不管在任何的地方,你都會覺得綁手綁腳,過得不快樂,甚至有時會搞到兩面不是人的境地,那是因為你太想要內外兼顧,因此可能兩邊都做不好。由於凡事想得太多,太過於敏感,當然會弄得自己緊張兮兮,身心疲憊。  你的人生運勢是在一些固定的圈子裡面繞來繞去,生活領域不是很寬闊,是屬於比較靜態的流動,你的生活圈也會逐漸擴大,但不是很快速,可能在從事不同階段的工作時,接觸到不同的生活領域,因而交往不同的朋友,你也會努力與自己的伴侶保持良好的溝通,並西望透過伴侶的協助,獲得和諧圓滿的人際關係。提醒你有時候你會只顧忙著人際上的關係,而沒有時間投入到自己的興趣和家人的關係喔!   你的天賦潛能就是富有研究精神,同時那也是你最大的興趣,比如你擅長運用明快的思維來應付別人,在面對每一種不同的人物時,都會考慮不同的相處模式,因此在與人相處上你特別有心得,很罩得住!那絕對是來自於你本身的想像力和推理能力很優喔!在工作上,你最適合那些需要大量思考能力,或是靠一雙巧手的相關職業。

The above was partly true for me..

Try it out @

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Secret Weapons for Exam!

My first paper was over...
I'm not sure if I can pass the exam or not but it was easier than last year paper.

On Monday.. I spend my time with these:

Secreat Weapon 1

Secret Weapon 2

Secreat Weapon 3

I slept at 3am but I didn't have a tight sleep.
I was dreaming about the elements in the subject.
SO scary.
But now it's over and hopefully I don't have to see it again!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fish & Co

After spending half a day at home on Saturday, went to One Utama for dinner.
At first, we were undecided.
But we were considering between Fish & Co and Chili's.
Finally, we walked in to Fish & Co because we haven't had the platter there.

I was craving for the platter for so so so long dee..
But most of the time we don't eat there or we dine in Manhattan Fish Market.

Wooden coaster!

Special Chilli sauce, tartar sauce and garlic

Yummy yummy!!

Seafood Platter for Two!


The food served was goood.
I was thinking that the fish served is deep fried like fish & chips but it wasn't. I think it was either being grilled or pan-fried.
There were 10 prawns and a generous portion of big-sized calamari.
The calamari was good.. not deep fried too! I love it.
And there was 1/2 dozen of mussels in creamy garlic & lemon butter sauce..
Wow... it was so so so so delicious.
The fries are so "fat" and "thick".
The rice was okay...
With that price... It's definitely a "MUST-EAT" if you are going there with bf/gf/mom/dad or whoever lah.

I think in M.F.M, their flamming platter for two is about 10 bucks cheaper but they only gave 4 prawns and calamari and fish were deep fried and there is no mussels.

So I think I'lll rather pay another 10 dollars for those I love.
But M.F.M's Pacific Baked Dory Fish is nice.

Yeah.. I love fish!!